Thursday, April 23, 2009

I did it again.......

I did it again. I am so proud.....of myself....

It seems as if everyone has gone flying to "Facebook" and I am still trying to master the picture part of this. Anyway, a few updates and thoughts....

Why does everyone ignore their "in-laws." We are not bad people....

It seems as if the girls posting seem to concentrate on "their" families....I mean not just one person but multiple blogs I read....lets hear it for the other side.

Then, front news...

Drew and Dani are moving to Houston. Drew has an internship there for 3 1/2 months. They will be living with a couple, thanks to a friend of Drew's, in Houston. They are elderly and Drew and Dani will be occupying one of their rooms for a minimal fee. They in turn will get privileges of washer, drying, food, utilities, etc. They will help the couple also. How fun. Go to the beach (gulf) and see the sights. Drew spent the last few months of his mission in Houston so he knows the area. It should be a fun summer for them although I am sure they will miss MOM and home.

Little Griffin is getting so adorable. I cannot believe what a blessing he is to us. I love him so much. We are waiting anxiously for his blessing and sealing hopefully in June or July.

Ryan and Katie are moving back to Las Vegas. I hope for good but we will see. They will be living with us until they can get things together. My new grandson will be arriving just before they move. I am anxious to be a grandma of four. I wear the title proudly.

Alex is almost through school again and I cannot believe he will be a senior next year. Wow. He is going to prom this weekend. Man, they do things differently these days.

We visited Uncle Scott in Salt Lake last weekend when we went to Micheal's wedding (which was wonderful). Friday, he was despondent and he looked so sad. He has had a long journey. Saturday, he looked much better, able to tolerate small amounts of juice and his spirits were better. On Sunday, we visited with Julie. What a horrible road she has had to travel. I think that I am blessed so much. She is such a wonderful person to have endured this ordeal. Our thoughts and prayers are still with them as the battle continues.

My thoughts on myself, if anyone cares, which I do care anyway since not many people read our blog. Life goes fast. The older you get the more you realize to embrace now as you do not know what the future will bring financially, emotionally or physically. Stay close to the Gospel as it never changes. No matter what, you all, I love you.